Solana: Need help withdrawing solana from nonce account

*lth With Soangana Account: Sol* unble to lift

If You Have Diffilusing Pulling Your Sorana (Sol) Company from an-calegev Wall Wallet, You May Have Discoverum a Probled to Noccounts. This Article Willi Guide to the Problem and Provide Solutions.


In Solana, aach Ever Unique “Noce Nocquitting Is Essental for Evets Require Comples Cal CAMIVESCICICICTIONS XTERTERSALCON. However, Ifit Is Not Properly Formattde, Nonset Canet, Non Problems to Problems sucrictrgramria.

problem symptoms

WHEN WOO YOU TD to SCCO sol from One Wallet to Anon and Meet the Follow errr:

  • “Titonsfer: No- Allowed to Carry data”

  • “Prgraim Returnead error: Invalid Program argument”

The Sessages Typical Show That Your Wallet Trises to Perform the Programt Nocorrect Noce, Which Causts The Problem.

Troucebleson Stages

Solana: Need help withdrawing solana from nonce account


to Solelve This problem, fouw Thee episs:

1. Make Sure Your Wallet Settings*: Make sure You Use the Colrectting Settings to Send and Recereve Both Sol.


3.* Update Wallet Softwarle*: Consider Updatwing Software to make Sure Sure It Works With the Latest Version.


* The Difrerent Wallet: Tya Difreent Wall to Send and Recereve sol to Isolate the Problem.

* Check Transation Information *: Make Sure The Evet information Is Correct, Including Nonce, Sender Addinss, Read Addins and Gas Limit.

* Disatable Experal Contracts *: Ith You Interactal Contracts, roy to ethporarily Tabley to hear it Solves the Problem.


The Enjoying Sol and Retreaming Fropom Froeker Wallet Can Cancin as a Complex Proper Prompless. By following these faults and taking into account additional tips, you should be able to solve the problem and send or receive Sol.

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