Ethereum: Web3 python websocket persistent connection

I can provide you with a sample article on the creation of a persistent Ethereum websocket connection using Python.

Title: Establish a persistent websockets connection for Ethereum in Python


In this article, we will demonstrate how to establish a persistent websocks connection for Ethereum using Python. This allows us to maintain a continuous connection with the Blockchain network, allowing real -time updates and data exchange with intelligent contracts.

Previous requirements:

  • You have a basic understanding of Python and Ethereum.

  • A configuration environment with Python 3.x, node.js (> = 10), and the Ethers. library.

  • A DJANGO web application for its cryptographic payment system.

Step by step instructions:

Step 1: Configure an Ethereum node

First, you must configure an Ethereum node to serve as a connection point between its application and the block chain. For this example, we will use the Ethers. library to interact with the Ethereum Network. Install it through NPM:


NPM Install ethers

Step 2: Establish a websocket connection

Next, you must establish a persistent websocket connection using Websockets. We will use the 'WS, which provides a websockt API for Node.js.

Install the required package:


NPM Install WS

Create a new Python file (for example, and add the following code:


Import Assyncio

Import websockts

Async Def Main () ::

Ethereum: Web3 python websocket persistent connection

Create an Ethereum node connection

ASYNC with websockts.connect ("wss: //") as websockt:

Handle incoming connections

Async for messages on websockt:

Process incoming data (for example, purchase application)

Print (message)

Replaceyour_project_idwith your real ID of the Infura project.

Step 3: Implement the exposure of the smart contract

To interact with the smart contract, we need to create an instance of it. We will use the 'Ethers. library to create a new intelligent contract instance.


import web3

Configure the Ethereum network supplier (Infura)

wss_url = "wss: //"

Contract_address = "0x ... your_contract_address ..."

contract_abi = "..." your_contract_abi ... "

Async Def Main () ::

Create a new intelligent contract instance

Async with Web3.web3 (Wss_url) as a supplier:

Contract = aleait provider.ethers.contract.from_abi (contract_address, contract_abi)

Process the incoming data of the Ethereum Network

Async Def Process_data () ::

While it is true:


Call the intelligent contract function


Print (result)

Except the exception as E:

print (f "error: {e}")

Step 4: Integrate with Django

Finally, we need to integrate our persistent websockt connection with its Django web application. In this example, we will create a new Django model to store purchase data.


Django.db import models

From .Ethereum_websocket Import Main, Process_Data

Class purchase (models):

useer_id = model.charfield (max_length = 255)

quantity = models.decimalfield (max_digits = 10, decimal_places = 2)

Defines your views and templates of Django here

Putting everything together:

Here is the complete code with all the combined steps:

` Python

Import Assyncio

Import websockts

From .Ethereum_websocket Import Main, Process_Data

Async Def Main () ::

Create an Ethereum node connection

ASYNC with websockts.connect (“wss: //”) as websockt:

Handle incoming connections

Async for messages on websockt:

Incoming data process (e.g.

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