Ethereum: What is the default type inferred by Solidity for number literals used in expressions with other types?

Ethereum: Understanding Type Inference for Numeric Literals

In Solidity, the programming language used by Ethereum smart contracts, type inference plays a crucial role in determining the correct data types of variables and literals. This article aims to provide an overview of how Solidity infers the implicit types for numeric literals used in expressions with other types.

Type Inference Basics

Ethereum: What is the default type inferred by Solidity for number literals used in expressions with other types?

Solidity uses a dynamic typing system, in which the type of a variable or literal is inferred at runtime, rather than at compile time. This allows for more flexibility and dynamic behavior in the contract, but it also requires careful consideration when writing efficient and error-free code.

Numeric Literals and Type Inference

When dealing with numeric literals in Solidity expressions, the language infers the type of the literal based on its value or a specific pattern. Let’s examine how this works for two common scenarios: numbers without an explicit type specifier (for example, uint8 x) and numbers with an explicit type specifier (for example, uint256 z0).

Without an explicit type specifier

When a number literal is used without specifying its type, the language infers it as an implicit integer type. In other words, if you don’t specify anything explicitly, Solidity defaults to “uint8”.

Here’s an example:

function foo(uint8 x) extern pure {

uint256 z0 = x * 2;


In this case, the compiler infers that x is a single-integer value of type uint8 and assigns it to z0. This is because Solidity considers an unsigned integer literal without an explicit type specifier (uint8) to be an implicit integer type.

Explicit Type Specifier

When you use a number literal with an explicit type specifier, such as uint256 z0, the language infers its type accordingly. For example:

function foo(uint8 x) extern pure {

uint256 z0 = x * 2;


In this case, the compiler infers that x is a single integer value of type uint8 and assigns it to z0. This explicit type specification ensures that the code adheres to the expected data types.


In conclusion, Solidity’s dynamic typing system allows for implicit type inference based on the context of the expression. When dealing with numeric literals without an explicit type specifier, the language defaults to an implicit integer type. However, specifying an explicit type specifier (e.g. uint256) ensures that the code respects the expected data types and avoids potential errors.

When writing contracts in Solidity, it is essential to consider the context of each expression and use explicit type specifiers whenever possible to ensure correctness and maintainability.

Example use case

To further illustrate this concept, let’s consider an example contract:

solidity pragma ^0.8.0;

contract counter {

private uint256 number;

function increment(uint256 _value) public pure {

count += _value;


function getCount() public view returns (uint256) {

returns count;



In this example, the increment function uses a literal number without an explicit type specifier. By defaulting to a single integer value of type uint8, we can avoid potential errors and ensure that the contract follows the expected behavior.

By understanding how Solidity infers types for numeric literals in expressions with other types, you can write more efficient, readable, and maintainable contracts. Remember to always specify explicit type specifiers when necessary to ensure correctness and compliance with language requirements.


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