Law division to Ethereum: Step by step guide up to 50/50 divided into
When it comes to cryptocurrency portfolio management, accuracy is the key. One widespread challenge that many users face when working with multiple exchange is the smooth and even balance of balance between platforms. In this article, we will look at you by dividing your ethereum balance to a particular BTCUSDT crypto pair on
Before continuing, make sure you have as follows:
- Binance Net API marker with sufficient permissions
- `
binance ‘packages installed using NPM or yarn (Node.Js)
- Account Setup Both Binance and Your Preferred Exchange
Step 1: Get your balance
First we will get our balance on the base asset (ETH) and quote the asset (BTCUSDT). We can do this by submitting a request “Balance” for the destination:
CONST BNB = ask (‘binance-api’);
Const Ethbalance = Expect bnb.get (‘ETH’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Const btcbalance = wait for bnb.get (‘btc’, {account: ‘0x …’});
In this example, we accept a binance account with a 0x ...
public address. Replace it with your actual account information.
Step 2: divide the balance
To divide the balance as 50/50 on BTCUSDT, we need to create a massive with two elements depicting our desired residues:
Const balance = {
ETH: EthBalance,
Btc: btcbalance
We will submit the news request “Balances” on the destination at to divide our balance:
Const bnbsplitter = ask (‘BNB-SPLitter’);
Const result = wait for bnbsplitter.Split (balance, ‘btcusdt’, {account: ‘0x …’});
In this example, we use the “BNB-SPLITTER” library to make a division of 50/50. Replace btcusdt 'with the desired crypto pair.
Step 3: Check the breakdown
To check if the balance transfer is successful, we can check that both assets are updated:
CONST BNB = ask (‘binance-api’);
Const Eth = Expect bnb.get (‘Eth’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Const btc = wait for bnb.get (‘btc’, {account: ‘0x …’});
Console.log (ETH Balance: $ {Eth.ethBalance}
Console.log (BTC Balance: $ {BTC.BTCBALANCE}
If both assets are properly updated, the residues should now reflect the desired division.
Tips and Variations
- You can use Split with multiple active pairs or even different orders (such as long/short) to create a more complex distribution.
- Be sure to check Binance Net API documentation to find out any changes or limitations.
- If you have problems with your account ownership or balance updates, review your API marker permits and adjust accordingly.
By doing these steps, you will be able to divide the Ethereum residue to the 50/50 site BTCUSDT via Happy trade!