Ethereum: How do I get Binance API prices in Python at a precise time?

Ethereum: Precise Binance API prices from historical data

As a programmer using Python, you are probably familiar with the important importance of accurate and up -to -date historical prices for Ethereum. In this article, we will explore how to bring accurate prices of API -JAI in Python at some time.


  • API Key Binance

  • Library that can submit to asynchronous data (eg request AIOHTTP)

  • Python environment with the necessary libraries installed

Method 1: Usingrequestsand the Function of the Revelation Call

We will use the libraryrequest ‘to submit HTTP requests to Binance API. We will make a return call function that will be launched whenever a new data point is received from the API.


Importing the request

from datetime imports of datetime

Def Get_api_price (Start_date_str, End_date_str):

Place your Binance API Key and URL of the end point API here

API_KEY = “Your_api_KEY”

API_URL = F ” (End_date_strphpy.

While the truth is:


Answer = Request.get (API_URL, header = {“x-API-KEY”: API_KEY})

Data = Answer.json ()

Find the ETH price on a specified date

For the item in data [“result”]:

If the “time tag” in the item and int (item [“temporal”])> = Start_date_str

Return float (subject [“Price”])

In addition to the request.exception.requestexception as E:

Print (f “error: {e}”)


Method 2: UseAiohttpand loops

If you prefer asynchronous approach, we can use theAIOHTTPLibrary to get data from API.



Async def Get_api_price (Start_date_str, End_date_str):

Async with Aiohttp.Cliantsission () as a session:

API_URL = F ” (End_date_strphpy.

Start_date = DateTime.strptime (Start_date_str, “%y-%m-%d”)

End_date = DateTime.strptime (End_date_str, “%y-%m-%d”)

while start_date <= End_date:


Answer = Wait session.get (API_URL)

Data = Answer.json ()

Find the price of the ETH on a specified date

For the item in data [“result”]:

If the “time tag” in the item and int (item [“temporal”])> = Start_date:

Return float (subject [“Price”])

Apart from Aiohttp.clientResponseerror as e:

Print (f “error: {e}”)

Example of use:

Start_date_str = “2022-01-01”

End_date_str = “2022-12-31” “

Get_api_price (Start_date_str, End_date_str)


Tips and variations

Ethereum: How do I get Binance API prices in Python at a precise time?

  • Make sure you replaceyour_api_KEYwith API -API -API.

  • In both examples you can adjust the parameter oflimit` to retrieve more or less data.

  • Consider adding errors in cases where the API -JA request fails or returns an invalid answer.

  • If you need to make additional processing of prices received, feel free to change the return call functions accordingly.

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